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1. 버츄어박스 다운로드
Oracle VM VirtualBox
Welcome to VirtualBox.org! News Flash New January 17th, 2023VirtualBox 7.0.6 released! Oracle today released a 7.0 maintenance release which improves stability and fixes regressions. See the Changelog for details. New January 17th, 2023VirtualBox 6.1.42 re
2. Centos7 ( 각자 원하는 거) 다운로드
Home Download Architectures Packages Others x86_64 RPMs Cloud | Containers | Vagrant ARM64 (aarch64) RPMs Cloud | Containers | Vagrant IBM Power BE (ppc64) RPMs Cloud | Containers | Vagrant IBM Power (ppc64le) RPMs Cloud | Containers | Vagrant ARM32 (armhf
3. Putty 다운로드 (리눅스 서버에 원격 접속하기 위한 터미털)
Download PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows
Is Bitvise affiliated with PuTTY? Bitvise is not affiliated with PuTTY. We develop our SSH Server for Windows, which is compatible with PuTTY. Many PuTTY users are therefore our users as well. From time to time, they need to find the PuTTY download link. W
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* 이름 , 설치폴더, 다운로드 받은 ISO 파일 셋팅
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6. Install CentOS 7 으로 설치
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* VirtualBox에 직접 접속해서 하기도 하지만, 실제 사용환경과 유사하게 푸티로 접속해서 테스트 합니다.
그럼 열공합시다.
'웹프로그래밍 > 리눅스' 카테고리의 다른 글
MariaDB CentOS에 설치하는 방법[repo 등록] (0) | 2023.12.26 |